Minutes of the Fittleton cum Haxton Annual Parish Council Meeting 1900hrs Tuesday 9th May 2023 @ All Saints Church, Fittleton
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Parish Councillors Present: | Cllr Mrs Dorothea Georgeson (DG) | Chair |
Cllr Mrs Corinne Gowman (CG) | ||
Cllr Mrs Victoria Jago (VJ) | ||
Cllr Mrs Sheila Symes (SS) | ||
Cllr Paul Cranch (PC) | ||
Cllr Greg Morgan (GM) | ||
In Attendance: | Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling (IBP) | County Councillor |
Stephen O’Grady (SOG) | Clerk to the Council |
Welcome by the Chair
Welcome by Cllr DG (Chair).
Acceptance of Apologies
There were no apologies received.
Agree Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the 2022 Annual Parish Meeting agreed and signed by Chair.
Chairman’s Report
Chairman’s Report delivered by Cllr DG.
This year has been a busy one, concentrating on improvements around the villages.
The defibrillators have been kept up to date with new pads. These life-saving machines are located in Fittleton and Haxton and are available to ensure residents have access to them whenever they may be needed.
Councillors have worked hard at their various responsibilities. Cllr Jago and Cllr Gowman have had a busy year with a number of planning applications, some more complex than others. Cllr Vaughan-Edwards has continued to oversee the work of the parish steward. Cllr Symes has been busy managing the allotments and recruiting replacements for those that had become vacant. All allotments are currently occupied. She has also represented the parish council on the Phoenix Hall committee. Cllr Morgan has responsibility for Transport and Highways and he ensures that any issues are addressed on behalf of the parish council. Cllr Cranch has attended Stonehenge Area Board meetings, representing the parish council and making representations on our behalf.
The Christmas get together was well-supported and the mince pies and Gluhwein were well received.
The recent Tidy Day on 30 April was well supported and residents turned out to ensure that our street were clean and tidy. It was fun and a great opportunity to catch up with our neighbours. It fell just before the Coronation celebrations and it was a chance to get everything in good order for the celebration weekend.
The parish council has supported a number of good causes, including All Saints School, The Day Centre, The Art Group and Fittleton Church PCC for mowing the church grounds. It also made a donation of £800 towards the refurbishment of the bells of All Saints Church, Fittleton.
Councillors worked hard to ensure that the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, including the lighting of the beacon and the street party, were a huge success. They have now been instrumental in ensuring that the Coronation of King Charles III was celebrated in style. The Coronation celebrations were a great success and congratulations go to the team that worked tirelessly to ensure planning and execution were faultless.
We cannot conclude this session without thanking Councillor Vaughan- Edwards for the work that he has done over his tenure as vice-chairman of the parish council. He has stepped down as work commitments mean that he is no longer able to give the time needed for the role. We wish him well and look forward to welcoming him to forthcoming events as his busy schedule allows.
Fittleton cum Haxton Parish Council is working to ensure that our environment is clean, safe and tidy. Your councillors are working hard to ensure that your council tax is spent on YOUR environment. Suggestions for improvements should be forwarded to the parish clerk for consideration at parish council meetings.
Report by Wiltshire Councillor
Cllr IBP will release a detailed report which will be made available electronically. He additionally informed the Parish that the Wiltshire Council Household Support Fund is still available, and a number of revisions have been made to identify best practice in overcoming barriers to it being accessed by those in our communities who may be in need. Further information, including on eligibility criteria, to follow.
Report from the Art Group
The Chairman of the Art Group, Mr Alan Wood, reported that it was founded with seedcorn money from Wiltshire, Netheravon, and this Parish. Since its founding, it has doubled in size from 8 to 16 people, with a range of ages including both children and octogenarians, and adds significant value to the community. It is financially beginning to hold its own, and shows lots of potential, demonstrating the value of the Local Government Act 1972 in action. He added his thanks to the Parish Council for their work and support for activities within the Parish.
Questions from the public
A member of the public raised the issue of mowing, that there seems to be inadequate co-ordination between the various parties responsible in order to ensure that while the villages are kept maintained, it is also conducted with due regard to the seasonal growth of wildflowers etc. Cllrs DG and PC have agreed to convene a meeting with the various parties (including Landmarc and Wiltshire Council) to ensure that responsibilities are appropriately allocated and understood, and priorities reaffirmed. Cllr IBP offered his assistance if required.
A question was raised about progress with reconstruction work at Magpies Cottage, which has been ongoing for several years since the fire. The owner has encountered several unavoidable setbacks due to an unfavourable winter interfering with the rendering, but the process is ongoing.
The Fittleton Bellringers thanked the Council for their contribution in getting the bells repaired, as well as the wider community, including a member of the public for their last minute intervention to save the project. The bells have
Annual Parish Meeting followed by FcH Annual General Meeting @ 1930hrs