Strimming and Mowing Policy

Click to Download Annex A


Keeping the community well-presented and accessible is a priority of Fittleton cum Haxton Parish Council.  The Parish Council employs a local resident to strim and cut grass during the summer growing season.   This is in addition to any work undertaken by Wiltshire Council and their contractors, and the MOD’s land management agents.  The Parish Council makes every reasonable effort to ensure that local flora and fauna are appropriately protected in the carrying out of this work.


It became clear a number of years ago that Wiltshire Council would not fund the cutting/strimming of local footpaths due to budget restrictions and the enormity of the task. Therefore Parish Councils have had to maintain these paths from their own budgets.

In addition, much of the publicly-accessible land around the Parish belongs to the MOD, and is administered by Landmarc, their designated service contractor, who bear responsibility for maintenance in these areas.  This is outside the systems of local government, although the Parish Council liaises with Landmarc when needed.


As such, three main parties conduct maintenance work in the area: a local contractor engaged by Fittleton cum Haxton; Wiltshire Council (who also provide the Parish Steward, tasked by a Parish Councillor when allocated); and Landmarc.

Nearly all areas maintained by the local contract are village footpaths with some additional strimming of The Pound and the roadway towards The Red Bridge.  The cost, billed at £500 for FY 2022/23, includes the time, fuel and strimmer parts for the nominated person and is reviewed each year.  A map of the areas covered by this local contract is included at Annex A (link at the top of this page).  The work is currently completed every 2 to 3 weeks depending on the rate at which the vegetation grows, which is also dependent on the weather.

Due to the number of variables and agencies involved, thorough deconfliction at the height of the growing season would place a disproportionate burden on Council resources; duplication rarely happens but has taken place in the past, however the focus is rather on ensuring that the job gets done properly in all relevant areas.  Wherever practical and reasonable to do so, the various contractors have also been asked to have due regard to the life cycles of wildflowers growing on the verges, and work is planned around this as far as possible, while bearing in mind the imperative to maintain the area in a safe and tidy fashion.