Minutes of the Fittleton cum Haxton Annual Parish Council Meeting 1900hrs Tuesday 10th May 2022 @ Fittleton Church

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr Mrs Dorothea Georgeson (DG)Chair
Cllr Mrs Corinne Gowman (CG)
Cllr Mrs Victoria Jago (VJ)
Cllr Mrs Sheila Symes (SS)
Cllr Simon Vaughn-Edwards (SVE)
Cllr Greg Morgan (GM)
In Attendance:Mr Ian Blair-Pilling (IBP)Wiltshire Council
Apologies Received:Cllr Paul Cranch (PC)


Welcome by the Chair

Welcome by Cllr DG (Chair).


Acceptance of Apologies

Apology accepted from Cllr PC.


Agree Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of FcH Parish Council Meeting held on Tue 9th March 2022 agreed and accepted.

Signed by Chair.


Chairman’s Report

Chairman’s Report delivered by Cllr DG.


This year has been a busy one, concentrating on improvements around the villages.  

There have been repairs to the fences at the allotments in June.  In July, the bench on The Pound was fully refurbished and is once again a place of rest for locals and visitors.

The defibrillators have been kept up to date with new pads.  These life-saving machines are located in Fittleton and Haxton and are available to ensure residents have access to them whenever they may be needed.

Councillors have worked hard at their various responsibilities.  Cllr Jago and Cllr Gowman have had a busy year with a number of planning applications, some more complex than others.  Cllr Vaughan-Edwards has continued to oversee the work of the parish steward and has also worked with the Jubilee Committee, including assisting with the Lighting of the Beacon arrangements.  Cllr Symes has been busy managing the allotments and recruiting replacements for those that have become vacant. She has also represented the parish council on the Phoenix Hall committee.  Cllr Morgan has responsibility for Transport and Highways and he ensures that any issues are addressed on behalf of the parish council. 

The Tidy Day was well supported and many residents turned out to ensure that our street were clean and tidy.  It was fun and a great opportunity to catch up with our neighbours. The next Tidy Day is scheduled for 29th May, 10am to 12 noon.  It falls just before the Jubilee celebrations and is a chance to get everything in good order for the celebration weekend.

The Christmas get together was well-supported and the mince pies and Gluhwein were well received. 

In January 2022, the parish council succeeded in gaining 50% funding for the Speed Indicator Device (SID), located on the road from Haxton to Netheravon.  This followed a series of incidents where pets were killed by speeding cars.  The device has had an impact on slowing traffic down as it moves between Netheravon and Haxton.  

The latest improvement is the replacement of the finger post on The Pound, Haxton.  The previous finger post had rotted and was in poor condition.  A replacement was commissioned by the parish council and has been erected on The Pound

Fittleton cum Haxton Parish Council is working to ensure that our environment is clean, safe and tidy.  Your councillors are working hard to ensure that your council tax is spent on YOUR environment. 


Report by Wiltshire Councillor

Avon Valley report from the Stonehenge Area Board – May 2022 – Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling

  • Review May 21 – Apr 22
  • Implementation of new Electoral Divisions and Area Boards.   Enford, Fittleton cum Haxton & Netheravon moved from Collingbournes and Netheravon Division in Tidworth AB to join with FIgheldean, Milston and Larkhill as Avon Valley Division in Amesbury AB – later changed name to be Stonehenge AB.
  • Wiltshire Council Unitary Elections
  • Chair of Area Board and CATG – Graham Wright, Vice Chair – Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling 
  • Operating as a team of 6 councillors with Lead members:
    • Climate Change – Cllr Graham Wright
    • Paths for All & Military Civilian Integration, Digital Inclusion Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling
    • Youth Activities – Cllr Mark Verbinnen 
    • Health & Wellbeing – Cllr Dr Monica Devendran
    • Highways – Cllr Kevin Daley
  • Trialling modes of how to hold meeting – Via Virtual and in person (a mixture of both is being trialled)
    • 4 x formal Business Meetings where we also ratify all our grants – now in person
    • Monthly Clinic ((Teams) – Focussed topics such as Police, Climate, Speeding, Paths for All, Youth and Climate Change.
    • Cluster evening meetings in person where the Chair and Community Engagement of the Area board and local Wiltshire Councillor meet with Parishes that are geographically aligned to consider local priorities.


  • CATG.  we held virtual meetings with a new focus on priorities intruding 1 priority per parish. All funding was invested with some actions pending delivery. The system and meetings were well received.
  • Grants.  We introduced a simpler applications method which does not requiring a formal grant application these were trialled with Paths for All & Community Engagement.  Avon Valley funding highlights:
  • Netheravon. Grant for Outdoor Gym, speed surveys and application for 40MPH on A345, jubilee Beacon grant covering Avon Valley, Grant for first responder raiser chair. Jubilee Mugs  
  • Fittleton Haxton Grants for speed sign and New Pound Signpost. 
  • Fighledean contribution towards Figgle Fest.


  • The Future - May 22 onwards –  
  • Local Highways and Footpath Improvements Group replaces CATG
  • Increased scope (pathways and some maintenance), increased funding for each Area Board and central competitive funding pot.  End of year unspent funding will transfer to central competitive pot for subsequent year.
  • Briefed at meeting 25 Apr 
  • List of defects - relook
  • Area Board
      • Next meeting, in person, 30th June 6.30 Woodford Village hall. 
  • Aim to better focus Wiltshire Council’s overall effort and financial investment and funding – Wiltshire Council used Stonehenge Area Board as a good working model.
      • What will the Area Board do?  Setting and Working to Local Priorities (how and when)
        • May/ June/ July – Local Priorities reports submitted to board. Review of the previous 12 months action and overview of any updated data/ evidence. 
        • Up to 5 priorities will be agreed by the Area Board. 
        • Priorities can be amended by the board at any business meeting.
        • At least one Councillor to be the lead for each priority.
  • AB Working Groups
        • Working groups and funding streams to be used to actively advance priorities through projects, initiatives and collaborative working. 
      • Area Board Grant Funding Criteria - main updates
        • Funding is available to voluntary and community sector organisations up to a total of £5,000. 
        • Town and Parish councils are eligible to apply for revenue funding, in respect of Youth Grants or Older and Vulnerable Adult Grants, not general Capital Grants. 
        • Matched funding requirement has reduced from £1,000 to £500. 
        • Applications must be received at least 4 weeks before an Area Board
        • Applications must highlight how they are meeting two aims of WC Business Plan and an Area Board local priority. The grant system will reflect this
  • An organisation can apply for a maximum of 2 projects/ bids per annum across all 18 boards. Each project/ bid can request funding from up to 3 boards.


Questions from the public

N/A – no members of public in attendance.


Annual Parish Meeting followed by FcH Annual General Meeting @ 1930hrs