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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr Mrs Dorothea Georgeson (DG)Chairman
Cllr Paul Cranch (PC)Vice-chair
Cllr Mrs Corinne Gowman (CG)
Cllr Mrs Victoria Jago (VJ)
Cllr Mrs Sheila Symes (SS)
Cllr Kevin Friery (KF)co-opted in the course of the meeting
In Attendance:Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling (IBP)Wiltshire Councillor
Stephen O'Grady (SOG)Clerk
1 member of the public



Cllr Greg Morgan



An interest was noted for Cllr SS for item 23/48 (mowing contract).  Cllr SS did not participate in any discussion or vote on the item


Presentation of Jubilee Cup



Report from Wiltshire Councillor

Cllr IBP provided Connect leaflets for distribution, and emphasised that the best way to secure ongoing financial support for the service would be to prove that it was being used.

The second quarter out-turn for Wiltshire Council was positive; there is ongoing pressure on the finances but a good team behind it, leaving a slight surplus for the quarter.

The deadline for submissions regarding the Local Plan is 22 November.  There is still uncertainty on some elements due to the impact of national level policies being subject to change.

The 40mph speed limit on the A345 through Netheravon is now in place.  Cllr IBP emphasised that this is a trial, which will be in place for 1 year on present authorisation.  It will then remain in place if it is demonstrated to be successful in calming traffic through the village.  There have been some concerns raised as to the area covered by the new limit, that it does not extend to all places people have asked for.  The current extents are based on expert evaluation to maximise the likelihood of compliance, and alternatives are being explored for other areas in the locality.

In response to a question from the Chair re parliamentary boundary changes, Cllr IBP confirmed that the parish would form part of the East Wiltshire constituency, the precise formation of which was decided by the Boundary Commission.



Co-option of New Councillor

Following a presentation and discussion, it was RESOLVED to appoint Kevin Friery to the Council.  Eligibility was checked by the Clerk, and a declaration of acceptance of office is on file.


Agree Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of FcH Parish Council Meeting held on Tue 12th September 2023 agreed and accepted.

Copy of previous Minutes signed by Chair.



Matters arising

  1. There is a new resident in the village.  The Clerk will deliver a welcome pack.
  2. The navigation rally on 2 December is to be announced on village noticeboards.
  3. In Cllr GM’s absence, the Clerk will attend the LHFIG in order to determine what the possibilities are for traffic calming measures on the Everleigh Road.


Reports from Sub-Committees & Representatives on other Groups

a.     Phoenix Hall

£10,727.67 is in the bank (slightly down on last quarter), with £6011.82 set aside for repairs.  A 3-5 year financial plan will be ready for the next meeting on 17 January.  £2k has been granted to purchase a generator — it is unclear how this deconflicts with the generator purchased recently via the Jubilee Committee.

b.     Planning
There was an application submitted for the felling of 2 cherry trees, which was subject to a site visit by the planning sub-committee.  However, it became apparent that the application was in error and in fact it was a sycamore to be felled.  The resident will be resubmitting the application and the planning sub-committee will then consider the revised application as needed.

c.     Footpaths & Rights of Way#

The Droveway has now been cut.  It is due to be cut again in spring, with further cut(s) as appropriate to align with the growing season.

d.     Transport & Highways

A drain appears to have clogged up with silt following the recent heavy rains, which individual councillors have attempted to clear, but it is likely to need a “gully-sucker” in order to do so properly.  Cllr DG to report via MyWilts, and the Clerk will collate any photographic evidence to submit to the Drainage Team at Wilts Council, who are looking for evidence of the effects of the weather in order to allocate appropriate resources.

e.     Allotments

1 allotment remains vacant.  Any vacancies for the next growing year will be advertised in advance where possible.

f.      Jubilee Committee

The most recent activity was paying for the curry at the Working Men’s Club following the Remembrance Day ceremony.  The next meeting will be in January 2024.

g.     Stonehenge Area Board



Account balances and transactions

£ £
Balance b/f 13 September 23 12,313.56
Community First Refund 36.00
Total income 36.00
Payroll 376.48
ICO renewal 35.00
Rent adjustment 8.47
Water2Business 92.40
Fingerpost timber 177.87
Defibrillator pads 159.50
Total expenditure (849.72)
Balance as at 14 November 2023 11,499.84

Expenses approved:

a.     Mowing contract -- £500

b.     Poppies/wreaths for Remembrance Day -- £54.98


Correspondence received



Parish Matters

a.     Christmas Gathering:

o   The recently purchased generator will be used;

o   The Clerk will arrange for mains connection for the lights;

o   SVE has volunteered to do the mulled wine.  There are still 16 bottles remaining from last year;

o   The Church will operate as a “Plan B” should unpleasant weather preclude an outdoor gathering; Cllrs DG and CG to liaise with the Churchwarden;

o   The lights on the Pound will run on battery power.

b.  There is no comment to be submitted corporately on the Local Plan.


Date of next meeting 7:30pm 9 January 2024 (Phoenix Hall)

*Members of the public are invited to attend the AGM and to bring matters to the Council’s attention at this point in the meeting (max 3 mins per person). If a detailed response is required, it would be helpful for the clerk to receive your questions in advance of the meeting, in writing, preferably 5 days in advance of the meeting.