Minutes of the Fittleton cum Haxton Annual Parish Meeting On Tuesday 7 May 2024, 19:00hrs at Phoenix Hall

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr Mrs Dorothea Georgeson (DG)Chair
Cllr Paul Cranch (PC)
Cllr Mrs Corinne Gowman (CG)
Cllr Mrs Victoria Jago (VJ)
Cllr Mrs Sheila Symes (SS)
Cllr Kevin Friery (KF)
In Attendance:Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling (IBP)Wiltshire Councillor
No members of the public


Welcome by the Chair
Welcome by Cllr DG (Chair).


Acceptance of Apologies
Cllr Greg Morgan


Agree Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the 2023 Annual Parish Meeting agreed and signed by Chair.


Chairman’s Report
Chairman’s Report delivered by Cllr DG.

This year has been a busy one, concentrating on improvements around the villages.

The defibrillators have been kept up to date with new pads. These life-saving machines are located in Fittleton and Haxton and are available to ensure residents have access to them whenever they may be needed.

Councillors have worked hard at their various responsibilities. Cllr Jago and Cllr Gowman have had a busy year with a number of planning applications, some more complex than others. Cllr Paul Cranch has overseen the work of the parish steward and has represented the parish council at a number of Area Board Meetings. Cllr Symes has been busy managing the allotments and recruiting replacements for those that had become vacant. She has also represented the parish council on the Phoenix Hall committee. Cllr Morgan has responsibility for Transport and Highways and he ensures that any issues are addressed on behalf of the parish council.

Due to business pressures Councillor Simon Vaughan Edwards stepped down as vice-chair. The parish council wish him success in his ventures and thank him for his tireless work on behalf of the parish. He continues to support events, especially the Christmas get-together. Cllr Paul Cranch took on the role of vice-chair.

The vacancy created by Councillor Vaughan-Edwards’ departure was filled by Councillor Kevin Friery, who takes on the role of contact with the parish steward.
The Christmas get together was well-supported and the mince pies and Gluhwein were well received. Because of the significant rainfall during the preceding months, the decision to move the event to the church was made. It was well received and will certainly be considered for the next event.

A new grit bin was installed at The Pound, Haxton. It is a dangerous area when the temperatures drop and it was timely when the very cold temperatures combined with the ongoing water leak.

For just over 2 weeks there was a significant outpouring of water in the middle of the road just south of The Pound. Despite appeals to Wessex Water, Wiltshire Council and Landmarc, the water continued to pour out of the top of the drain covers for more than 2 weeks. Despite vigorous efforts by the parish council, there was no swift solution. Special thanks must go to Wiltshire Councillor Ian Blair-Pilling and Parish Councillor Greg Morgan for their efforts to try to ease the situation by digging out a blocked trench.

During this last year the parish has seen a number of new residents move in. It is good to see new people who are keen to be integrated into this parish and join in local activities. We look forward to welcoming parishioners to the bi-monthly parish council meetings, where they can ask questions of the councillors to ensure that local needs are identified.


Report by Wiltshire Councillor

Cllr IBP gave a brief report on matters concerning Wiltshire Council, namely the good financial state of the Council and that local services are working well. Work continues to repair highways/roads that suffer from pot holes. He is now in charge of all Wiltshire’s Area Boards (for info).


Questions from the public

Annual Parish Meeting followed by FcH Annual General Meeting @ 1930hrs